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INTEREST ONLY - O'Neill Forebay for Stripers and Bass
This event is for "registration of interest only" and does not require any financial obligations until such time as the trip details are settled, and there are no cancellation penalties until that time. Here are select fishout (event) highlights from Jim Knecht who will be the fishmeister for this event.
San Luis Reservoir/O’Neil Forebay is a GREAT place to fish that is a 1 ½ hours away from Livermore. However, the Forebay MUST be fished with respect to wind conditions that can change rapidly.
The tentative dates are OCT 4 and 5, 2025.
We will plan to share a group campsite at the O’Neill forebay campground for up to 30 anglers. Planned group dinner on Saturday night and breakfast on Sunday morning Target species: Striped Bass, Black Bass, Largemouth Bass. Strategy: Ability to fish from float tube, pontoon, or boat. Personal Floatation Device (PFD) required Casting: Moderate, Ability to double haul is encouraged. Gear requirements: 6wt to 9wt, typically with floating or sinking heads
After the interest only registration is closed, a more detailed event with known costs will be placed on the website for registration.
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