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Fly Tying


Monthly Fly Tying

The club has a get together on the second Wednesday of most months to tie flies and discuss a variety of fly fishing subjects in a hands-on teaching environment. These fly tying sessions are open to all levels of tying skills and the club provides tying vises, tools, and limited materials for the sessions.

An assortment of flies and tying techniques are demonstrated, depending upon member interests and time of year. In the past these sessions have spun deer hair, demonstrated and practiced using the dubbing loop, and learned various posting techniques to enhance individual tying skills.. The questions and shared knowledge are informative which helps to broaden our fly fishing skills, and enjoyment of the sport.

Check the event calendar for details on the next meeting. The monthly get togethers are held in our Fly Tying Room at the Livermore-Pleasanton Rod & Gun Club, 4000 Dagnino Road, Livermore. The diagram below shows the room location:

Annual Guest Fly Tiers

Every year the club hosts a number of “expert” local fly tiers that demonstrate their skills and teaching techniques in a monthly club meeting for member education. This is a “round robin” session where members can closely participate with accomplished tiers and learn additional skills to assist in their own development.

Basic Fly Tying Classes

If you're interested in learning how to tie flies, please complete the Interest Form below. When we have enough interest to schedule another class, we'll contact you about potential dates.

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